Zaitech is the new Modernism. Live Art Performance at Charing Cross Hospital, London 2016
In Collaboration with:
Angela Hodgson-Teal
Peter Hollamby
Dalston Ballet Company
Yumi Hara
Kam Wan
Supported by Imperial College Healthcare Charity
Art Gallery, Sexual Health and Intimacy
In Collaboration with:
Angela Hodgson-Teal
Peter Hollamby
Dalston Ballet Company
Yumi Hara
Kam Wan
Supported by Imperial College Healthcare Charity
Lino Cut printing with Peter Hollamby. Manipulating a Toyokuni to include a heart for the Bareback Museum.
“Bareback is Institutional”
Miles Coote performs with his Painting made in 2010 and first exhibited at Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club in 2014, on the stage during a live performance.
MIles Coote @ Vogue Fabrics (WERK)
Alun Davies runs a queer life drawing class at Vogue Fabrics. I was invited to this event as a model and decided to bring to the event three paintings I had already made Continue reading “Wanking’s of Miles Coote”